Michael B. Jordan Workout

Creed is a movie that has received positive reviews since its release in November 2015. It is a spin-off to the legendary Rocky series starring Michael B. Jordan who plays the role of Adonis Creed, Apollo’s son. This movie can be considered as one of his best because it shows an incredible physique that has raised many questions on how he achieved it.

One of the movie’s biggest selling points apart from the action-packed fight sequences is Michael B. Jordan’s sexiness. His amazing physique is “defined to the maximum” as described by many audiences. But what are the workouts that can result in achieving this same physique? This article will guide you on how to look like Michael B. Jordan in Creed through a series of simple and effective workouts and diet tips.

How did Michael B. Jordan look in Creed?

In the movie, Michael B. Jordan showcased a very impressive physique that can cause one of two reactions: “I want to achieve the same physique” or “He must be taking steroids”. The truth is, he achieved it through hard work and dedication in the gym. He is an inspiration for many due to his amazing body transformation.

His body showed a balanced amount of muscle which highlighted his sexiness. His body was very lean and defined, but not at the expense of losing all the muscle mass resulting in a “skinny fat” physique.

But can this body be achieved? While there are no exact workout routines released by the actor in the way he achieved that body, there are still a lot of exercises that can be done in order to achieve the same result.

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 the workouts

What are the workouts that can result in achieving the same physique?

Here is an example of a workout routine that you can try in order to achieve, or get closer to Michael B. Jordan’s Creed physique:

Day 1: Back, Biceps & Abs

Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

  • High Pulls / High Pulls / Bent Rows – 4×12: This can be done by grasping a bar with an underhand grip. Have the weight hanging below you at arm’s length. Pull the weight up to your chest while keeping your elbows close to your body, then lower it slowly back to starting position.
  • Deadlifts / Deadlifts / Barbell Curls – 4×12: Using an overhand grip, start by holding the bar at shoulder width. Bend your knees, push your hips back and lean forward while keeping your lower back arched. Slowly lift the bar as you exhale, then lower it to starting position inhaling.
  • Mountain Climbers / Crunches / Barbell Curls – 4×12: This can be done by lying on your back with your feet flexed. Bend over and grab the weight in one hand. Extend your arm so that it is straight, perpendicular to your torso, and parallel to the ground. Curl up while contracting your bicep muscle, then lower slowly back to starting position.
  • Hanging Leg Raises / Hanging Knee Ups / Seated Rows – 4×12: This can be done by hanging from a pull-up bar and pulling your knees up towards your chest.
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Day 2: Chest, Triceps & Abs

Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

  • Barbell Bench Press / Dips / French Curls – 4×12: Start by laying on the bench with your feet flat on the floor and a barbell over your chest. Lower the weight to your chest, then push it up as you straighten your arms. Then lower it slowly back to starting position.
  • Seated Cable Extensions / Dumbbell Extensions / Triceps Dips – 4×12: These can be done by using an adjustable bench, barbell, or weight machine. Sit on the seat with your back against the pad. Bring the weight forward until it touches your chest and extends your arms upwards until they are straight. Then lower them slowly back to starting position.
  • Hanging Leg Raises / Hanging Knee Ups / Decline Crunches – 4×12: This can be done by laying on a decline bench and bringing your knees up towards your chest holding the weight.

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Day 3: Shoulders, Traps & Abs

Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

  • Lateral Raises / Front Raises / Cable Crunches – 3×12: Using dumbbells, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the weights by your side. Lift them up to your sides until they are parallel to the ground, then lower them slowly back to starting position.
  • Shoulder Press / Shoulder Press / Leg Raises – 3×12: Using a barbell, press the weight overhead until your arms are straight and then lower slowly back to starting position.
  • Decline Crunches / Cable Rope Face Pulls – 3×12: This can be done by grabbing cables with an overhand grip and lying on a decline bench so that the cables are at about your chin level. Pull them towards your face, then return to starting position.
  • Day 4: Legs & Abs
  • Day 4: Legs & Abs
  • Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.
  • Barbell Squat / Deadlift / Barbell Curls – 4×12: Using an overhand grip, start by holding the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart in front of your hips. Slowly lift the bar as you exhale, then lower it to starting position inhaling.
  • Leg Extension Machine / Hack Squats / Barbell Curls – 4×12: Using a leg extension machine, adjust the leg pad so that it is firmly against your quadriceps. Straighten your legs fully, then flex them again while contracting your quads to return to starting position.
  • Calf Raises / Calf Presses On Leg Press Machine / French Curls – 4×12: Using a barbell, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on the upper part of the bar. Slowly lift the weight as you exhale, then lower it to starting position inhaling
  • Leg Raises / Leg Curls – 3×12: Using dumbbells or ankle weights, lie down on your back and lift your legs until they are perpendicular to the ground. Then lower them slowly back to starting position.
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Day 5: Chest, Triceps & Abs

Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

  • Incline Bench Press / Dips / Cable Rope Face Pulls – 4×12: Using an adjustable bench, lay on your back and lift the weight up to your chest, then lower it slowly back to starting position.
  • Barbell Bench Press / French Curls / Barbell Skull Crushers – 4×12: Using a barbell, lie down on a bench holding the bar above your head with a close grip. Lower the weight slowly to your forehead, then push it back up to starting position as you flex your triceps.
  • Decline Bench Press / Cable Rope Push Downs / Barbell Curls – 4×12: Using a decline bench press, grasp the bar so that it is about 1 inch away from your lower chest. Lean back against the bench and lift the weight up to full extension, then slowly bring it down to starting position as you flex your triceps.

Day 6: Back & Biceps

Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

  • Barbell Deadlift / Stiff Leg Deadlift / Reverse Cable Curls – 4×12: Using a barbell, pull the weight up towards your hips so that you feel a stretch on your hamstrings, then lower it slowly back to starting position as you flex your biceps.
  • Hyperextensions / T-bar Rows / Hammer Curls – 4×12: Using an adjustable hyperextension bench, lift the weight up so that your upper body is perpendicular to the ground. Then lower it slowly back to starting position as you flex your biceps.
  • Lat Pulldowns / Standing Barbell Curls / Concentration Curls – 3×12: Using a lat pulldown machine, adjust the seat so that your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Pull the weight down behind your head and then lower it slowly back to starting position as you flex your biceps.
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We know this routine doesn’t include any direct arm exercises and that may be discouraging for some of you who want to build bigger arms. However, you will notice that there are arm exercises listed as one of the moves (i.e. Barbell Curls). This means that you can pick any 3 exercises for biceps and perform them after your first three exercises (Legs & Abs) on Day 7.

Day 7: Shoulders & Traps

Day 7: Shoulders & Traps

Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

  • Barbell Squat / Front Raises / Lateral Raises – 4×12: Using an overhand grip, start by holding the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart in front of your hips. Slowly lower the weight as far down as you can while keeping your back straight, then push it back up to starting position as you flex your shoulders.
  • Barbell Upright Row / Face Pulls / Rear Delt Machine Flyes – 4×12: Using an upright row machine, grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip and pull it up until it is just beneath your chin, then lower it slowly back to starting position as you flex your shoulders.

What is the proper diet for this workout regime?

A proper diet will also be of great help in the quest to build an impressive physique like Michael B. Jordan’s as it will help you gain more muscle and lose excess fat. In order to get leaner muscles, try carb cycling where on Days 1, 3 & 5 you eat a higher carbohydrate diet consisting of 275g of carbs from sources such as oats, potatoes, or rice. On the other days (Days 2, 4, and 6), reduce the carbs to 100g by including more protein in your meals. For best results, eat 5-6 small servings of food spread out across the day every 2 – 3 hours.

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What are your thoughts on this particular workout? Please feel free to let us know in the comments below!