Trampoline Workout

Tone your legs and butt with this 30-minute trampoline workout

They’re adorable. They’re little. Most importantly, jumping on a trampoline is a low-impact approach to turn high-intensity aerobics into child’s play.

Not only that, but circuit training while trampolining will help you burn calories, increase your energy, and improve endurance while shaping your legs, buttocks, and core. Isn’t that good?

I designed the trampoline workout below for you to complete at home using 11 trampoline exercises that I commonly teach in my mini trampoline courses at The Ness in New York City. It’s appropriate for people of all fitness levels, and I recommend bouncing for 25–30 minutes three times a week for the best effects. The most important thing to remember when doing a tiny trampoline exercise is to constantly press into your heels. It will aid with the stabilization and grounding of your trampoline while also helping you to work the glutes and backs of your legs.

Time required: 25–30 minutes

Mini trampoline (equipment)

It’s good for toning your entire body.

Instructions: Complete each action for two minutes before moving on to the next. To keep your heart rate up, try to take as little rest as possible between workouts.

If you’re looking for a fun workout that will tone your legs and butt, we’ve got the perfect solution. This 30-minute trampoline workout is as much of an aerobic exercise as it is a toning routine. You’ll also be burning calories all while having fun! All you need to do this at home is some space on your living room floor or backyard, and preferably some outdoor shoes.

Bounce Down: The ultimate in trampoline safety

What to do: Stand in the centre of the trampoline with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Jump and tuck your knees up into your chest while attempting to maintain your head level. Make sure to leap off the entire foot, not just the toes or heels. Return to the mat. To counterbalance, swing arms in opposite directions. Continue for a total of two minutes.

If you’re looking to take your trampoline game up a notch, give bouncing down a try. This advanced move will require some practice and balance, but the result is worth it. Not only will you look like a pro, but you’ll also get an amazing workout. 

Jumping Jacks

Take your fitness to the next level with Jumping Jacks

Begin in the centre of the tramp with your feet beneath your hips. With arms outstretched to each side, jump legs out so feet land outside shoulders. Cross your arms in front of your chest while hopping your feet together. Rather than bouncing up and down, try to hold your head at the same height the entire time. For another two minutes, repeat the procedure.

If you want to improve your cardiovascular health, increase muscle power and tone, and burn calories, then jumping jacks are a great exercise to add to your routine. They’re simple and easy to do anywhere, anytime. 

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Get in shape with Scissors

Start with your feet beneath your hips in the centre of the tramp. Hop one foot back and the other forward at the same moment to land with a small bend in the knees and hips square. For more momentum, quickly reverse leg stance and swing arms back and forth. Continue for a total of two minutes.

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That’s all there is to it! Just two minutes of this basic trampoline routine and you will feel the burn in your legs, butt, and core. Be sure to use a good amount of force when hopping so you can get the most out of the exercise. If you find this too easy or too hard, adjust the number of hops accordingly. 

Master the ski jump in minutes

Start with your feet wider than your shoulders. Jump feet together on one side of the tramp as you swivel lower body till hips, knees, and feet face the opposite front corner of tramp while keeping torso facing front. Bound to the opposite side of the tramp to quickly reverse the action. Swing your arms in front of you, elbows bent, for more power. Continue for a total of two minutes.

As you can see, there’s a lot more to trampoline skiing than meets the eye. It takes skill and practice to execute these jumps properly and safely. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to impress your friends.

Tone your body with Surf Twist

 Surf Twist

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart (and keep them that distance throughout the drill). Bounce down while rotating your body a quarter turn in one direction, then return to the starting position using the rebound. As a counterweight, switch sides after every two twists and swing arms in the opposite direction of the body. Continue for a total of two minutes.

The Surf Twist drill is a great way to improve your balance, coordination, and body control. It’s also a lot of fun! 

Get fit with Running

Starting with your feet behind your hips, lift one knee toward your chest at a time, switching arms. Continue for a total of two minutes.

The best way to improve your running form is by doing some simple exercises. These exercises will help you start with your feet under your hips, and then bring one knee up toward your chest at a time. This will help you get the most out of each stride, and make running feel easier overall.

Tone your thighs with Knee Pull

Start with your feet beneath your hips. Raise your arms to shoulder height in front of you. Pull your arms back as you pull one knee toward your chest, keeping the leg at a 90-degree bend. Return to the starting position and repeat for one minute. For the second minute, switch sides.

Give the Knee Pull a try for yourself and see how it can help improve your daily routine. Remember to keep your back straight and engage your core muscles to get the most out of this exercise. 

Tone up your whole body with Side Kick

Start with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Bend your arms and place your fists in front of your chest. Kick one leg out to the side on the rebound of a little jump, extending the arm on the same side. Repeat for one minute before switching sides for the second minute.

That’s it! You’ve now completed one minute of Side Kicks. Be sure to switch sides and do another minute. Remember, if this is too challenging at first, go slower or take a break. As with all exercises, you want to challenge yourself but not push yourself so hard that you can’t complete the set. 

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Cross Kick for a Killer Core

Starting with your feet slightly wider than your hips, follow the steps below. As you swivel your hips to the left and kick your right leg across your torso, keep your shoulders forward. Maintain a tiny bend in your standing leg the entire time, then swing your arms down to the left side to balance yourself. For the second minute, switch sides.

The Cross Kick exercise is a great way to stretch out your hips and legs. Start by standing with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, keeping shoulders forward as you rotate your hips towards the left side and kick your right leg across your body. As this movement occurs, maintain micro bends in both of the standing foot’s toes that will be used for counterbalance throughout the entire minute-long exercise. 

Get fit with Off Sides

Start by squatting on one side of the tramp with your inside leg elevated on the mat and your outer foot flat on the floor. Hop up on the tramp to land on two feet and execute two bounce downs before moving to the other side of the mat and landing in a squat with one foot on the floor and the other raised on the tramp. Continue for a total of two minutes.

Offsides can be completed with a single bounce or two bounces on each side. Make sure to land in a squat position on both feet at the end of each side. This drill is great for improving your balance, coordination and agility. 

Front Back: The Fun, New Way to Exercise

Start in the centre of the trampoline, with your feet beneath your hips and your hands at your sides. Keeping hips and shoulders square, tuck knees and jump forward and back on the tramp. To counterbalance, swing your arms in the opposite direction of your legs and attempt to keep your head at the same height throughout by bouncing down instead of up. Continue for a total of two minutes.

The front-back bounce is a great way to warm up your body and get the blood flowing. It’s also a good exercise to improve your balance and coordination. 

Get quick answers to the most commonly asked questions

What are the advantages of trampoline workouts?

Strengthens the body. Jumping, unlike focused training, necessitates the usage of several muscles. …

  1. Bone density is improved
  2. It improves your equilibrium
  3. It’s beneficial to your heart
  4. Stress is relieved

Jumping on a trampoline is an efficient, full-body workout. It builds strength in muscles you may not even know you have. Trampoline workouts also improve bone density, balance and heart health while relieving stress. What’s not to love? If you want to experience the many benefits of jumping for yourself, give it a try today!

Jumping on a trampoline is what kind of fitness?

Trampolining is a high-intensity aerobic activity that raises the pace at which your heart pumps blood and, hence, oxygen throughout your body. This helps to improve your cardiovascular system’s muscles, and the increased oxygen levels will make you feel more alert!

Jumps on a trampoline are all about strengthening the muscles in your legs, improving balance and coordination. It can also be used as an exercise to strengthen core muscles or for cardio training. So not only is it fun but it’s great for you too!

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The trampoline

Is jumping on a trampoline a low-impact activity?

Trampolining is a low-impact fitness activity. The trampoline mat absorbs up to 80% of the impact from a jumper’s vertical acceleration and deceleration. Hard surfaces, such as roadways, have no “give” in comparison. Trampolining is a great way to preserve your joints while also working up your muscles.

A trampoline is a low impact exercise that can be beneficial for people of all ages. It’s important to use the right technique when bouncing on a trampoline to get the most out of your workout and avoid injury. If you’re not sure how to bounce correctly, ask an expert or watch some online tutorials. Start with a few minutes at a time and work your way up to longer bounces as you become more comfortable on the trampoline. 

Is it possible to get good exercise on a trampoline?

Trampoline Workouts are just as effective as running, but they’re a lot more enjoyable. According to new research, they burn the same amount of calories as a 10-minute mile jog. … According to a recent study, working out on a trampoline can deliver an equally efficient calorie burn and cardio boost—but it may seem simpler and more enjoyable.

Jumping on a trampoline is an aerobic exercise that can be done at home. But are high-intensity trampolining workouts effective? The answer to this question is yes! A study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness found that participants who did 40 minutes of intense, intermittent cardio three times per week for six weeks significantly improved their cardiovascular fitness levels. Another significant finding was that they lost approximately 2 pounds more than those who only performed low-intensity exercises like walking or jogging. 

Trampoline engages which muscles?

They can assist you in improving your balance, coordination, and motor abilities. These exercises work the muscles in your back, core, and legs. Your arms, neck, and glutes will also be worked. Trampolining appears to have a beneficial effect on bone health, and it may assist enhance bone density and strength, according to research.

Trampoline workouts offer a safe, effective way to get in shape. If you’re looking for an easy workout that will help you burn calories and tone up without the impact of running or jumping on hard surfaces, think about adding trampoline exercises into your routine. Consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen if you have pre-existing conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis pain or osteoporosis.  

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Is it better to jump on a trampoline than to run?

Trampolining was determined to be as healthy for you as jogging, riding, or playing basketball in a 2016 research that assessed jumpers’ heart rates and oxygen usage. Rebounding is 68 per cent more effective than running, according to NASA experts.

The verdict is still out on whether jumping on a trampoline is better than running. Some studies suggest that there are health benefits to both activities, while other research indicates that one may be better than the other for certain people or purposes. Ultimately, the best way to determine which activity is right for you is to try them both out and see which you enjoy more and which makes you feel healthier. So get bouncing (or running) today!